Reflective experiences on a design competition – Our tendered plan of Downtown Cultural Center in Tartu is published

During 2023 I attended on a design competition as part of the design team of DVM group. We had an incredible selected team regarding both internal and involved external specialist engineers. It was a well based cooproduction maybe the first hopefully not the least in the life of this design team. The design speaks for itself but unfotunately not the result. Even if this was a hyped tender in last spring we were quite confident in our work eventhough finally our tender couldn’t be selected. 

Being part of a process of design competition is all at once stressful and exciting. However I’m always engaged deeply and enjoy every second of it. At the first phase I can be a researcher, after a design thinker, and finally becaming a conductor of the team as resposible for the graphic of the sheets therefore I am the last person to say “we are good” (never ready ;)). It’s not that easy but in those moments I feel, it was a right choice to become an architect.

You can read our article and check on the design here:–a-kultura-kozpontja-egy-kortars-varosban–egy-tervpalyazat-tanulsagai-tartubol-europa-2024-es-kulturalis-fovarosabol

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